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Friday, October 22, 2010

Assignment no.1

1. What are the factors that contributed to the success and failure of Steve Jobs as a technopreneur?

Basing on the movie the Pirates of the silicon valley. The factors that contributed to the success of steve jobs are Namely; friends, an open minded one, a goal, and is not afraid of risking things. These factors mainly are the ones that contributed to the success of Steve jobs. Why?
First of all he had his friends, his friends are also his teammates when he is still planning to have this company. Naming his friend Stephen Gary Wozniak.

Now talking bout “Woz” .. Stephen Gary "Woz" Wozniak (born on August 11, 1950 in San Jose, California) is an American computer engineer who co-founded Apple Computer, Inc. (now Apple Inc.) with Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne. His inventions and machines are credited with contributing significantly to the personal computer revolution of the 1970s. Wozniak created the Apple I and Apple II computers in the mid-1970s.

Wozniak has several nicknames, including "The Woz", "Wonderful Wizard of Woz" and "iWoz"
(a reference to the ubiquitous naming scheme for Apple products). "WoZ" (short for "Wheels of Zeus") is also the name of a company Wozniak founded. He is sometimes known as the "Other Steve" of Apple Computer, the better known Steve being co-founder Steve Jobs.

Second one is being an open minded. Steve jobs is a unique type of person. For he view things differently. He thinks indifferently with his own views not knowing that this view is kinda different and quite unique. According to Woz basing on the movie.

Third is the goal. Steve had this goal in life, and that’s to defeat the “IBM”. It’s quite funny that he dedicated all his life in having the apple company not noticing that gates is on it’s way topping it all along. Well gates is a different story. Talking bout Steve’s goal is quite interesting it’s because he thinks big and through this kind of thinking his goals are inevitable.

Fourth is the factor “not afraid of risking things”. Steve is very good at this, he designs and thinks the risky way and in fact he treats others differently. He risk things depending on what he thinks, he does not value things as long as you’re of no use. He can easily reject things, ideas, people, etc.. if it is of no use. But he is good in valuing friends.

Now factors that contributed to the failure of Steve jobs as a technopreneur. Well there are factors that I can site, Steve jobs had this bold character and these are character issues I can site on his failure as a technopreneur . Namely being a self-centered one, inattentive, perfectionist.

Now let’s have this character issues, first is being a self-centered one. Steve jobs is a self-centered person in the movie and that contributed to his failure, but the question is did he “FAIL?”. Let’s have that hanging on you’re thoughts.. moving on, Steve having this self-centered character is a very bad character. It’s because he is engrossed on his own affairs only. We can call it greedy in general. Maybe it’s the fact that he don’t have his mom in life. Maybe that’s what bothers him most of the time, and it sprawls while he grew up but is unnoticeable. Well to have a solution on this is to have oneself a change.

Second is inattentive or let’s have this as introspective. In my own thoughts Steve had this introspective character that he pays too much attention on his own that he forget others and also please remember that if you’re being introspective you are having this self examination and in this moment you are self-centered so introspective is somewhat related to being self-centered. Steve’s is quite different, because at all times I think he is bothered bout what he can do and what he really is, and that’s the reason why he acts the unusual way. He does not pay attention on others or his surroundings. The doesn’t even know that the environment he is in is criticizing him. In real time all I can say is when you don’t have you’re parents, you will definitely have you’re friends, I am hoping that you can see my point now in having friends as a factor of Steve’s being a successful one in being a technopreneur.

Third is being a perfectionist, well what can I say.. If you’re one then go to hell. Laughing Having this trait is not good. In this imperfect world looking for a perfect one ?.. What are you ? Right ? But if you’ll look at each other’s differences and have that differences a reason to be a perfect one then you’ll carry on. I’m afraid I am a perfectionist too, but I am trying to change it or eradicate it.

Well to sum up all the things I have above. I consider Steve jobs as a good mentor as a technopreneur, still. Steve Job’s is okay for me and still is a successful one. He is a qualified technopreneur because he is a powerful businessman. Basing on his actions, strategically on business is good. His perspective is exceptional. Having these negative traits on Steve makes him a human being, not perfect but is quite good. He may not have a harmonious life but a guaranteed and ensured life under money is up ahead. I’m not being materialistic here but let’s face the fact, to live a life you must have the money, fortune and fame.

This wealth in life is a dream of every individual you will meet in the future or whom you may knew already, and I am pretty sure if they are just dreaming of a simple life, at the back of their minds still they have this greed on life, namely money, fortune, and fame. It’s funny, Steve and Gates shared the same thought. “Good artist copy, Great artist steal.” I wonder if it’s a food for thought. Cool

(reference: )

2. How do you see yourself as a technopreneur?

What exactly is a technopreneur? What is technopreneurship? On my own understanding, technopreneurship is based on businesses which are under on technology. Well technically technopreneur is a person engaged in business using technology or a businessman using technology as a medium for growth. There are lots of definitions out there but with one thought.
First let us define entrepreneurship for technopreneurship and entrepreneurship sort of coinside..Entrepreneurship is a person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture while technopreneurship is a person engaged in a business venture using technology as a medium for growth.

They have this thought “business”. They are identical but in some ways they are not. As of now maybe you are thinking of “what if”. YES! You are wondering. And that’s a good sign of being a technopreneur. Maybe you are thinking of “What if an entrepreneur now, is using technology for a productivity increase in business. Will he be considered as a technopreneur? “. As to my conclusion, I’d say “YES!”. As an entrepreneur and you are thinking of a growth, they are moving to the next level of business and by using technology as a means of growth, entrepreneur thus become a technopreneur.
You ever wonder what kind of entrepreneur or technopreneur are you ? well I did. So I’ll just share this article.

Here are the 9 types of entrepreneurs: (which I consider as kinds of technopreneurs too.)

1. The Improver: If you operate your business predominately in the improver mode, you are focused on using your company as a means to improve the world. Your overarching motto is: morally correct companies will be rewarded working on a noble cause. Improvers have an unwavering ability to run their business with high integrity and ethics.

2. The Advisor: This business personality type will provide an extremely high level of assistance and advice to customers. The advisor's motto is: the customer is right and we must do everything to please them. Companies built by advisors become customer focused.

3. The Superstar: Here the business is centered around the charisma and high energy of the Superstar CEO. This personality often will cause you to build your business around your own personal brand.

4. The Artist: This business personality is the reserved but highly creative type. Often found in businesses demanding creativity such as web design and ad agencies. As an artist type you’ll tend to build your business around the unique talents and creativities you have.

5. The Visionary: A business built by a Visionary will often be based on the future vision and thoughts of the founder. You will have a high degree of curiosity to understand the world around you and will set-up plans to avoid the landmines.

6. The Analyst: If you run a business as an Analyst, your company is focus on fixing problems in a systematic way. Often the basis for science, engineering or computer firms, Analyst companies excel at problem solving.

7. The Fireball: A business owned and operated by a Fireball is full of life, energy and optimism. Your company is life-energizing and makes customers feel the company has a get it done attitude in a fun playful manner.

8. The Hero: You have an incredible will and ability to lead the world and your business through any challenge. You are the essence of entrepreneurship and can assemble great companies.

9. The Healer: If you are a Healer, you provide nurturing and harmony to your business. You have an uncanny ability to survive and persist with an inner calm.

(reference: )

Having this different kinds of entrepreneurs or technopreneurs here.. well who am I in here? Anyways let’s move on. Also having this idea of technopreneurship embedded in it is the idea to be competitive in some ways. As a technopreneur I can see a world filled with competition and I am afraid this might be a cause of a new problem. I know some of the companies now can feel or suffer the impact of the information age. That’s why I.T’s are in demand for entrepreneurs to switch in technopreneurs.

As of the moment all I see is a global problem in the world of business, I really don’t know if it’s a problem but for me, it seems everything are so fast and when you are in the world of business you need to be one too. It’s a fact today that you need to have this bright idea and if you got none you are of no use. Today as we solely face information age, we struggle to be the best. With this words of mine I could write an article, but as of the moment I am not interested for I lack the tools on having one and also I am in trouble (love sick) it will take a year again. ooops.. Where am I going? Laughing

Now as I reflect, all I can say is I need to undergo training, and I need to have these knowledge on what technopreneurship really is. Honestly I lack some of the skills of being a technopreneur, but I do have the potential. I am pretty sure that I have some of the skills and I am able to hone this in time.

Being a technopreneur is kinda hard that’s the fact basically and if you see yourself as a technopreneur too. Well, let’s just hope we will all be successful until it’s hard for us to define the word itself. What do I have in mind as of the moment? You might wonder as you continue to read this article. But I already answered the question and I did clearly stated what I am as a technopreneur, let’s just move on. Shall we?

As an incomplete technopreneur, I am hoping to be a complete one Wink .. Well what can I say? Being a technopreneur requires some skills and for some it’s just as easy as counting.

3. Would you take the same career path that Steve Jobs took? Why or why not? 

Well I think Steve Jobs is a great guy, of course basing on the movie “Pirates of the silicon valley”. On that movie Steve Jobs is somehow a monster, but he has some disorders too and some problems like an ordinary person can be. He needs to change too, but it’s a fact that his ideas are brilliant. And that’s what I like about him. “Steve, He sees thing’s the other way around.“ according to woz. Well for me, I can understand Steve, that’s why I can say he’s great.

It’s easy to say that “If it’s me on his shoe, I’d do this and that.. “. Oh! Well. Every individual is unique and that’s what makes him unique, even though he is like that he still got these and that.

Quotations: Steve famous Lines 

“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me. “

”I was worth about over a million dollars when I was twenty-three and over ten million dollars when I was twenty-four, and over a hundred million dollars when I was twenty-five and it wasn't that important because I never did it for the money.”

”Innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have. When Apple came up with the Mac, IBM was spending at least 100 times more on R&D. It's not about money. It's about the people you have, how you're led, and how much you get it.“

”We used to dream about this stuff. Now, we get to build it. It's pretty neat.”

”If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right. “

”Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. “

”Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. “

”The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. “

”Because I'm the CEO, and I think it can be done. - On why Jobs chose to override engineers who thought the iMac wasn't feasible.”

”I've always wanted to own and control the primary technology in everything we do.”

”It's really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them.”

”It comes from saying no to 1,000 things to make sure we don't get on the wrong track or try to do too much.”

”Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world? “
-- The line he used to lure John Sculley as Apple's CEO, according to Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple

”I'm the only person I know that's lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year.... It's very character-building.”

”John Sculley ruined Apple and he ruined it by bringing a set of values to the top of Apple which were corrupt and corrupted some of the top people who were there, drove out some of the ones who were not corruptible, and brought in more corrupt ones and paid themselves collectively tens of millions of dollars and cared more about their own glory and wealth than they did about what built Apple in the first place
-- which was making great computers for people to use.”

”Innovation is the distinction between a leader and a follower. “

”I want to put a dent in the universe. “

”On Fixing Apple:
The products suck! There's no sex in them anymore!”

(reference: )

*--I think that last line is for him to be motivated to develop new products. afro ROCKS!

As you can see, these lines are great. Pretty straight forward. Honestly, I envy Steve because he’s rich! No! not that! I envy him because of he can express what he really want to express. I envy that kind of freedom. In the future I am hoping I will have the guts to have this kind of attitude or what you call it? Really I am amazed with these thoughts of Steve.

As of now.. I would really want to meet these entrepreneurs or technopreneurs, especially this loco Steve. I don’t know with Bill Gates, and I don’t want to compare. They both have these PROS and CONS. Anyways, those lines are inspiring.. lines that are valuable to me and as I listen to my slapshock music at the moment, as I type these words at the moment, everything’s on the line. I am numb. Seriously I am now thinking but I am not. I think I am inspired but I am not. I don’t know really, and by the way.. I love all kinds of music. Eh? Oooops.

And YEAH! The lines above. Those quotes or whatever it is, those lines are the best. I am inspired by those lines. Therefore I am and I will take the same career path that Steve Jobs took (just to exaggerate things), and yeah! Maybe I will.

Assignment no.2

So first of all I would like to start by describing myself, I am this typical kind of guy. Having this kind of description makes me an average person. I am not aiming for fame or what.. Right now I aim for this “future settlements”, and that’s to live a comfortable life. If you know what I mean. Being an average is simply simple. And having this will make you less attractive, and right now I don’t care. Really I don’t care. Okay here’s my proof on what I really am, according to my friends or friend.

Jayson Torres August 24 at 10:47pm
I wrote this because he wants me to describe him in 500 words for his assignment.

First of all, let me start who is the man that I will describe. His name is Marlou, he’s my friend since high school, 3rd year high school to be exact. He is fun to be with, a happy go lucky man who is capable of making everybody around him laugh. When his friends have issues, he is always in between helping his friends to clear whatever issues they have. He loves music. He has wild imagination, especially when it comes to girls.

Girls, lets talk about girls in his life. He likes girl friends with benefits, a typical lover playboy in the Philippines; he is most attracted to hot girls, well all boys are attracted to hot girls. However, There are two major girls that I have known who has a big impact to his love life. The first one was way back 4th year high school; I guess I should not mention her name because it might cause a major flash back to marlou. The second was this year only 2010. I wont tackle anymore the details because someone might kill me if I do so.

Marlou as a friend, Who is he? he is a really good friend. He has a lot of friends; he’s fun to be with because he makes everybody laugh with his joke. He has sense of humor; we can talk like for hours because of his humor, he brings out topics that are beyond my imagination. Maybe I should stop giving positive description about him because he might be so overconfident right now reading this article. He influenced me to do bad things such as lying to my parents so that we can play DOTA all night(peace). He is my friend anyway I don’t care how weird he is or how stupid he is, what matters is that I trust him as a friend.

He do whatever he wants, he is just living his as young and stupid student of University of Southeastern Philippines..

Note: Via Facebook.

Well that’s according to my friend Jason.. please ignore some of the description above. I am just simply adventurous. Is he my friend ?Laughing .

So okay let’s start on what I am when it comes to technopreneurship. Last August 14, 2010 we had this Personal Traits Test, and that’s to test if we have this capability on being a technopreneur, and I am clustered in somewhat entrepreneurial. This discussion about being a technopreneur started on Bill gates and Steve jobs. I am not in my mind today so I will classify Steve being an entrepreneur.

Steve jobs being an entrepreneur. He possesses traits that are very entrepreneurial. Here are the factors that contributed on the success and failure of steve jobs as a technopreneur. 

“Basing on the movie the Pirates of the silicon valley. The factors that contributed to the success of steve jobs are Namely; friends, an open minded one, a goal, and is not afraid of risking things. These factors mainly are the ones that contributed to the success of Steve jobs. Why?
First of all he had his friends, his friends are also his teammates when he is still planning to have this company. Naming his friend Stephen Gary Wozniak. 

Now talking bout “Woz” .. Stephen Gary "Woz" Wozniak (born on August 11, 1950 in San Jose, California) is an American computer engineer who co-founded Apple Computer, Inc. (now Apple Inc.) with Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne. His inventions and machines are credited with contributing significantly to the personal computer revolution of the 1970s. Wozniak created the Apple I and Apple II computers in the mid-1970s.

Wozniak has several nicknames, including "The Woz", "Wonderful Wizard of Woz" and "iWoz" 
(a reference to the ubiquitous naming scheme for Apple products). "WoZ" (short for "Wheels of Zeus") is also the name of a company Wozniak founded. He is sometimes known as the "Other Steve" of Apple Computer, the better known Steve being co-founder Steve Jobs.

Second one is being an open minded. Steve jobs is a unique type of person. For he view things differently. He thinks indifferently with his own views not knowing that this view is kinda different and quite unique. According to Woz basing on the movie. 

Third is the goal. Steve had this goal in life, and that’s to defeat the “IBM”. It’s quite funny that he dedicated all his life in having the apple company not noticing that gates is on it’s way topping it all along. Well gates is a different story. Talking bout Steve’s goal is quite interesting it’s because he thinks big and through this kind of thinking his goals are inevitable.

Fourth is the factor “not afraid of risking things”. Steve is very good at this, he designs and thinks the risky way and in fact he treats others differently. He risk things depending on what he thinks, he does not value things as long as you’re of no use. He can easily reject things, ideas, people, etc.. if it is of no use. But he is good in valuing friends. 

Now factors that contributed to the failure of Steve jobs as a technopreneur. Well there are factors that I can site, Steve jobs had this bold character and these are character issues I can site on his failure as a technopreneur . Namely being a self-centered one, inattentive, perfectionist.

Now let’s have this character issues, first is being a self-centered one. Steve jobs is a self-centered person in the movie and that contributed to his failure, but the question is did he “FAIL?”. Let’s have that hanging on you’re thoughts.. moving on, Steve having this self-centered character is a very bad character. It’s because he is engrossed on his own affairs only. We can call it greedy in general. Maybe it’s the fact that he don’t have his mom in life. Maybe that’s what bothers him most of the time, and it sprawls while he grew up but is unnoticeable. Well to have a solution on this is to have oneself a change.

Second is inattentive or let’s have this as introspective. In my own thoughts Steve had this introspective character that he pays too much attention on his own that he forget others and also please remember that if you’re being introspective you are having this self examination and in this moment you are self-centered so introspective is somewhat related to being self-centered. Steve’s is quite different, because at all times I think he is bothered bout what he can do and what he really is, and that’s the reason why he acts the unusual way. He does not pay attention on others or his surroundings. The doesn’t even know that the environment he is in is criticizing him. In real time all I can say is when you don’t have you’re parents, you will definitely have you’re friends, I am hoping that you can see my point now in having friends as a factor of Steve’s being a successful one in being a technopreneur. 

Third is being a perfectionist, well what can I say.. If you’re one then go to hell. Having this trait is not good. In this imperfect world looking for a perfect one ?.. What are you ? Right ? But if you’ll look at each other’s differences and have that differences a reason to be a perfect one then you’ll carry on. I’m afraid I am a perfectionist too, but I am trying to change it or eradicate it. “


Compared to what Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have. I think I have some of this qualities.. Also I can present to you the 9 types of Entrepreneurs or Technopreneurs.

“Here are the 9 types of entrepreneurs: (which I consider as kinds of technopreneurs too.)
1. The Improver: If you operate your business predominately in the improver mode, you are focused on using your company as a means to improve the world. Your overarching motto is: morally correct companies will be rewarded working on a noble cause. Improvers have an unwavering ability to run their business with high integrity and ethics.

2. The Advisor: This business personality type will provide an extremely high level of assistance and advice to customers. The advisor's motto is: the customer is right and we must do everything to please them. Companies built by advisors become customer focused.

3. The Superstar: Here the business is centered around the charisma and high energy of the Superstar CEO. This personality often will cause you to build your business around your own personal brand.

4. The Artist: This business personality is the reserved but highly creative type. Often found in businesses demanding creativity such as web design and ad agencies. As an artist type you’ll tend to build your business around the unique talents and creativities you have.

5. The Visionary: A business built by a Visionary will often be based on the future vision and thoughts of the founder. You will have a high degree of curiosity to understand the world around you and will set-up plans to avoid the landmines.

6. The Analyst: If you run a business as an Analyst, your company is focus on fixing problems in a systematic way. Often the basis for science, engineering or computer firms, Analyst companies excel at problem solving.

7. The Fireball: A business owned and operated by a Fireball is full of life, energy and optimism. Your company is life-energizing and makes customers feel the company has a get it done attitude in a fun playful manner.

8. The Hero: You have an incredible will and ability to lead the world and your business through any challenge. You are the essence of entrepreneurship and can assemble great companies.

9. The Healer: If you are a Healer, you provide nurturing and harmony to your business. You have an uncanny ability to survive and persist with an inner calm.”


In this classifications I can say I am a visionary.. That’s what I think I am, because I have observed for years. I am always looking forward and tries to avoid possible problems. To elaborate more about being a visionary..

“1. A visionary entrepreneur imagines life beyond his current state. This state could be described as the vicious cycle or the rat race. Or it could be as simple as working for someone else. Regardless of his present situation, a visionary entrepreneur sets his sights on “more life.” Elena Fawkner wrote an excellent article that explains the correlation between vision, dreams and entrepreneurship. 

2. A visionary entrepreneur envisions her business as a finished product. Then she sets out to build what she has imagined. She lays the foundation, builds the frame work and then puts the finishing touches on what she has built. Her vision inspires her to jump over each hurdle that she approaches. If you want more information on building a business, I highly recommend.”

3. Visionary entrepreneurs are people of passion and vision who simply can’t sit back and wait for the world to just turn out. They’re propelled by an unseen force to go for it with gusto … to co-create a vibrant new world. “


This are all the things I can say about who am I.

Assignment no.3

My purpose in life is to HELP, LOVE, and LIVE.

And in order for me to do that is to be with the one I love. 

Help - my loved ones.
Love - my loved ones, also LIFE.
Live - my liberty.